The fact that I'm planning for a 100 person wedding…

Inspired: Red Pot
It’s overcast and gray outside today. I’m not sure what I’m going to cook for dinner when we walk back home from the gym…but I do know that I wish it was being cooked in this cast iron Martha Stewart (half off!) pot.
Hmmm…spicy arroz con pollo? Vegetarian chili? Green chili stew? I can’t decide.
PS: I made the green chili last night. With turkey instead of pork, a little extra spice and kidney beans for some color. It was so tasty!
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i have one of these dutch oven thingies and don’t know how to cook. it’s been sitting on top of the cabinets as decoration for a year. green chili stew sounds tempting…
It’s a great deal. I held one in my hands and it feels just like my old (from the early 90’s) Le Creuset one.
They also have a great turquoise one.
i made chicken and dumplings in my MS cast iron tonight. but mine’s from her kmart line . . .