Today's challenge is a tough one for me. Our Anonymous…

Weekend Round-Up: Heat Wave
A little bit of sun can be so nice! The weather in San Luis Obispo this weekend was scorching and sunny! Perfect for Labor Day weekend barbecues and beaches.
Rob and I drove down on Friday night, arriving at 9:30. Penney, the family border collie, was ecstatic to see us and we spent a couple hours catching up with my parents. On Saturday morning, we did the “routine:” farmer’s market followed by breakfast at the Budget Cafe. Back at the house, I practiced bass while waiting for friends to arrive for wine tasting.
Shane, Margaret, Jill, Rob and I hit the Edna Valley wine trail with a picnic to celebrate Shane’s birthday. In 90+ heat, we tasted at Talley Vineyards, Domain Alfred, Baileyana and Saucelito Canyon (my favorite).
Back at the house at 4:30, Rob and I helped my parents prepare a BBQ for his sister’s family. Rob’s sister, Skye, and her husband, Matson, have four lovely sons. Potato salad, fruit salad, hot dogs, chicken and steak; a real Labor Day feast!
Sunday morning was spent lounging around in our pajamas with the Sunday paper. At noon, Rob and I drove down to Avila Beach hoping to cool off. Instead, it was a blazing 105 degrees on the sand. Perfect for swimming in the ocean. It was heaven to just stand there in the waves for an hour.
On the way home, we bought an apple-olallieberry pie from the Avila Valley Barn. We relaxed at the house for a while. Then we drove with my parents to Chili Peppers for a delicious Mexican dinner on the garden patio. After that slice of salsa heaven, it was off to see Death at a Funeral. Silly and hilarious. Pie and tea back at home before bed.
Sunday morning was more pajama time. Eventually, we got dressed and went downtown for some shopping with Margaret. I found two great jackets. Ironic, because it was still in the 90’s. We had lunch on the patio at Cisco’s together.
Back at my parent’s house , we packed up and said our goodbyes. It was a fairly quick, 4+ hour drive back to the city. The fog was just starting to roll in and Dolores Park was absolutely packed with picnickers.
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