I've never been a bridesmaid but would love to be…

I spent yesterday afternoon at the doctor’s office having my spots examined from arms length. No official verdict yet. But my doctor is leaning toward some sort of children’s virus like roseola. After literally tossing a handful of Zyrtec samples at me and shooing me out of his office, I had to get six vials of blood drawn from my arm at the hospital’s lab.
In short: I am itchy. I don’t feel well. My arm hurts. I’m at work. I’m concerned about a friend who is going through relationship troubles. I wish I was at home watching Sense and Sensibility on demand for the third time. I don’t feel like being clever. I don’t feel like blogging.
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I’m sorry.
Don’t be clever. Don’t go to work. Don’t blog. Just eat whatever you want, lounge in pajamas with a puffy quilt and watch countless hours of Jane Austen movies. You’ll feel better lickety-split.
So sorry to hear about your health woes 🙁 I hope you feel better soon!
It’s an overcast day in my neck of the woods – perfect Jane Austen movie watching day! If only I didn’t have to go off to an evening history class…
P.S. the best Pride and Prejudice is still the Colin Firth one. Yum.
Oh no, get well soon. And well done you for going to work after a blood test – I’m such a baby I’d be at home under a blanket!!
safe to say i would ALWAYS rather be at home watching Jane Austen : )
Feel better Miss Em!
Oh my gosh, that sucks…
You should stay home and get tons of rest… isn’t it contagious?
Take care of yourself!
Hope you are better soon Miss Em! Gosh Pride and Predjudice DOES sound good right now!
So sorry you don’t feel well. Maggie had roseola a few months ago. Don’t we all wish we could be home watching Sense and Sensability? I’ve seen in so many times and can’t get through without crying.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Do oatmeal baths work for all kinds of ichy skin disorders?
Emily, I’m so sorry! For serious, from last Thursday until Monday evening, I was super sick and lying on the couch with chicken soup, Pride and Prejudice (I have actually never seen the Colin Firth one, which means I’m lacking essential nutrients of womanhood or something) and reruns of Tori and Dean: Inn Love made me so much better. And smarter! I hope you feel better soon, and that a little Austen is the cure.
Poor thing..you deserve a rest! You entertain us greatly year round..time to take a little break. Hope you recover soon…
p.s. My kids both had reseola and it made them the crankiest I’ve ever seen them..so if you’re cranky ..that may be why!
I am pretty cranky 😉
It sounds awful. Feel better soon!
hagan daz chocolate ice cream. pretty sure it’s the best cure-all. i’m sorry you’re not feeling well! i hope it clears up soon.
are you feeling better? jane austen movies sound like the perfect rest cure.
I had this two years ago and was absolutely miserable itching for weeks. It’s a very common virus in 20-something women.
If it was PR your derm probably should have diagnosed it right away though…