I am always a sucker for buying POM Tea when…

Advent Calendar: December 12
(Update: It’s the 12th not the 13th, sorry to throw you off) Picture this…It’s 9-ish and I’m dragging home from a very long day. 12+ hours of the hardest business meetings I’ve ever been in. Meetings consisting of me, 17 men in suits and one other woman who compensated for her lack of a Y chromosome by being tougher than all the rest combined. I felt like I’ve been through 10 rounds of UFC’s best and the dirty martini I had with dinner wasn’t helping.
I get home to find a wrapped package balancing on the doorknob. It’s a rental movie that we’ve been trying to get for a few days (Superbad) and there’s a note to check the fridge. In the refrigerator, I find a wrapped can of ice cold Guinness with a note to check my voicemail. I use Rob’s phone to call my number, just to discover one last package under the tree!
Rob decided to give me my big Christmas present early! A super cool Voyager touch-screen, iPhone-competitor, folding keypad gadget! It’s so cool! Isn’t he the best?
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Wow, excellent job Rob! You should be a professional cheer-upper.
what a great hubby!
How sweet! Did you like Superbad?
I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet. Maybe tonight 🙂
Oh my brother is so sweet to you ~ I love it!!! I agree he should be a professional cheer-er-upper.
that is SO sweet, he deserves a little something extra in his stocking this year!
Wow, very awesome of him. What a cute cool phone!
wow, what a cool gift!
Yay for Rob!!
What a lovely present! Yay for great guys like Rob!