After I picked up my repaired shoes (four pairs!) at…

Weekend Round-Up: Out of Towners
This was such a jam-packed weekend. Friday seems like ages ago, I can hardly remember it! Here are all the photos. Let’s sort this out…
After work, we drove to the de Young Museum for their Friday Night event. They had a show of clothing made from recycled pieces including some by famous local designers. We also walked through the Gilbert & George exhibit. Then, picked up some beers and waited for the main event. Margaret drove up from the peninsula to meet us there. Von Iva came on at 7:30 and rocked hard. All these little kids, mostly girls age 4-8, LOVED the show. It was so funny to see this hard core band mobbed by a group of punk dancing girls in pink dresses.
When the show ended we dashed over to lower Haight for dinner at my favorite ethiopian restaurant. Back at home, I chatted with Margaret while polishing silver. All in all, a pretty ideal way to spend a Friday!
Saturday morning, we had breakfast of egg tacos and coffee while watching the weekend news shows and picking up the house. At 11:00, we went to the laundromat and I played a few leisurely rounds of solitaire at the dining room table. Our friends Seth, Amy and Becky arrived from Sacramento at 1:30. The guys went for a round of frisbee golf in the park and the girls went shopping. Amy is getting married this fall and was looking for a dress. We probably went into 50 stores between lower and upper Haight. I found a nice yellow purse, green sweater and a vintage design-house 1970’s dress that I can wear to the Black & White Ball.
Back at home around 5:00, we got picked up by the guys and drove over to the Richmond for dinner at Burma Superstar. There was a long wait so we had pints at the Plough & Stars first. We got seated around 8:00. Delicious food!
We drove back home around 10:00 and played a few rounds of Scene It before going to bed.
Sunday morning; I expected everyone to sleep in but instead we got started really early. I was the last to shower and dress at 9:00. At 9:30, we drove over to Japantown to shop for little trinkets and antique furniture. Nicole came in from Napa and Margaret from a meeting downtown and we had lunch at La Mediterranee on Filmore. We stopped in at Paper Source to help Amy look at invitation options and then caravaned over to Sutro Park. My favorite park in the city has amazing views of Ocean Beach and Marin.
From there, we drove over to the Legion of Honor so that Becky and Nicole could see the Annie Leibovitz exhibit.
Now 4:30, we drove back home and said goodbye to our weekend guests. Margaret and I walked down to Books & Bookshelves and then to Aardvark Books. We walked up to the green grocer and meat market for dinner supplies. A beet and blue cheese salad followed by thick pork chops and fingerling potatoes. We watched the second part of Sense and Sensibility on TV and called it a night!
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