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Urban Girl Almanac: Too Darn Hot
This heatwave has me walking slower, taking it easy and getting less done. I feel like I’m going to start talking with a southern drawl if it keeps up. Nothing like the frenetic pace that normally comes with our brisk NorCal weather. Here’s what I learned this week:
- Lead climbing at the gym is much more tiring than regular climbing.
- Flower arranging with a bunch of women is so fun.
- Pesto pasta always seems to smell better than it tastes.
- I only have three good outfits for when it is warm.
- There’s been a produce explosion this week. All the sudden there are delicious tomatoes, artichokes, strawberries and corn. I can’t wait for the stone fruit to arrive.
- Regardless of your feelings for the yellow dress, you have to admit it looks pretty darn cute on my sister.
- Seriously, if this heat continues I might take to sleeping on the fire escape like that couple in Rear Window.
- Why is it that the one thing you want to wear is always the one thing you can’t find in your closet or laundry hamper? Which comes first: the wanting or the missing?
- There was a huge street party in the Castro last night to celebrate. We could hear the cheering from home, seven blocks away.
- I think the weather beat me again today. My wide belt seemed like a good idea, but became an instrument of torture once it was over 80 degrees at my desk.
- LOST! I’m sad that I’m going to miss the finale next week when flying to NY.
- I want to go to the movies tonight for the free AC.
- This week’s San Francisco art is from Chantal deFelice via Etsy.
Bay to Breakers is this Sunday! I’ll be there loaded up with sunblock and Gatorade. Have a great weekend.
Next Post: Things I Love Today: Wicker Glassware
Previous Post: Weekend Round-Up: When the Fog Comes Rolling In
I totally agree about pesto pasta, and felt like I was the only one with that opinion. Have a great weekend!
The dress is adorable on your sis!
I hope it cools off for you soon.. if not you might consider a window mount swamp cooler.. oooh they feel good!
that dress says va va voom!! Your sister looks great and you can see the details (like the material and the buttons) a lot better in her picture. She won’t be a bridesmaid for long 🙂
The 2 hour season finale of Lost is in two weeks. So you’re set! 🙂
The dress is hot! I love it.
Also if you did miss the finale you could just check it out the next day on
The dress looks wonderful on your sister! Way better of a picture helps too! Yay!