I love the look of a Christmas garland - but…

Weekend Round-Up: When the Fog Comes Rolling In
(Arg…forgot my camera again. Photos are coming soon)
Thank heavens the heat wave finally broke this weekend. I’ve never been so happy to see San Francisco’s thick fog!
On Friday, it was still blazing when we went to the gym after work. Bikram bouldering! Back at home, a cool ocean breeze was finally picking up. We had a light dinner and called it a night.
I slept in on Saturday and stayed in my nightgown most of the morning. Rob picked up the photos from the wedding in early May and we sorted through a bit. At 11:00, we went for a ride on the tandem bike. To SOMA for a bike shop errand. Then along the embarcadero and through the madness of the Oyster Festival at Fort Mason for a lunch picnic at the Palace of Fine Arts lagoon. There were a few happy law school graduates taking photos in their caps and gowns by the water. From there, we biked up to Union Street to pick up my wedding band and then, tortuously, over the Pac Height hills and Alamo square hills to get back home.
Quick showers and into the car to drive to San Jose. Rob’s sister and nephews were at the convention center for a chess tournament. We watched the awards ceremony and had pizza in their hotel room. The littlest one is so big! At 8:00, we drove back up North picking up Margaret along the way. To bed early.
Up at 6:30 the next morning to prep for Bay to Breakers. Nicole has arrived late in the night to join us. With very little planning, we dressed up in party hats I had in the closet and tied helium balloons to our backpacks. The weather was ideal, brisk and sunny until Golden Gate Park. We walked all 7+ miles in exactly 3 hours. I love the community spirit and quirkiness of this event. In one block, you’ll see babies, eighty year olds, nudists, runners, frat boys, hippies, etc.
An hour long N-Judah train ride back to the neighborhood. A greasy spoon lunch at It’s Tops. Back home at 1:30, we put on a movie but everyone fell asleep for a long nap within minutes.
We watched the rest of There Will be Blood in the afternoon and finished sorting the wedding photos. Nicole left for Napa. Margaret stayed and helped me cook a delish dinner of tuna steaks, rice and asparagus. We turned in early and, despite the long naps, slept like babies.
Next Post: Urban Girl Almanac: Too Darn Hot
Previous Post: Things I Love Today: Nordstrom Rack
i love your weekend recaps!!