You are working so hard to become your own person!…

See ya!
Rob and I are going to Idaho tomorrow morning for my sister’s wedding weekend. We’re staying in a cabin along the Snake River with my parents. This is my furthest ever trip inland from the various U.S. coasts. It should be a real adventure!
While we’re away, our newly cleaned-out bedroom is being painted. I’ll have before and after photos to share on Monday.
Have a great weekend and don’t forget to donate to the Patrice Wedding Fund if you’re so inclined (we need a few more generous readers to meet the goal!)
Update: Yay! We met our $50 goal. Thank you to Susan, Veronica, Jennifer, Ashley, Amy, Chelsea, Kristin and Patrick! If you still want to contribute, I’m sure Patrice would appreciate it. Amazing job everyone 🙂
Next Post: Dontate to Patrice’s Wedding
Previous Post: Weekend Round-Up: Idaho
One of the prettiest spots in the world.. have fun! If you happen to pass through Rigby on your way.. make sure to get some Bambinos (little pizza pockets) and eat them for me!
I hope you love your introduction to my home state! Truly one of the world’s best kept secrets. Happy wedding weekend to your sister.