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Urban Girl Almanac: Long Week
Maybe it’s all the extra summer daylight we had or maybe it had to do with the Friday the 13th voodoo, it certainly felt like a really long week. Here’s what I learned:
- I have such a hard time deciding what to wear when it is warm.
- The frozen cioppino at Trader Joe’s is a tasty dinner, especially with garlic naan on the side.
- My measurements are 32-26-36.
- I’m addicted to the new full episodes of the Daily Show online.
- I went crazy at the gym on Wednesday and climbed harder than I ever have. It was awesome!
- Belts and scarves make nearly any outfit better.
- Pigs in boots! Adorable. (thanks Chelsea)
- I signed up for my first ever blog swap.
- Movies in Dolores Park are great for picnicking, but not really movie watching.
- This was interesting.
- Martha Stewart’s SF guide was also interesting, she was practically in my neighborhood.
- I’m sad about Tim Russert, I loved him on Meet the Press and election night.
- I just finished the Yiddish Policemen’s Union.
- I wish I was on a beach vacation with a big hat and a corona with lime right now.
- This week’s San Francisco art is from Edward Sherman.
We’re off to a baseball game tonight, go Giants! The rest of the weekend is gloriously unplanned. Have a great weekend.
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