This was such a cheery and fun month! You hit…

Ladies Activity Club: Book Exchange
Our Ladies Activity Club party last night featured a book exchange – always a popular event! Just like a book club, but without the homework assignments.
Activity: Everyone brings a gift-wrapped copy of a favorite book. When it’s your turn, you can choose a wrapped book or choose to “steal” an unwrapped edition (up to 2 times per book). As the books are unwrapped, the person who brought it explains why it is a good choice. Each person goes home with a juicy new book to read.
Food: Jill provided fresh strawberries, brie and crackers, caprese salad, pineapple cheese dip and fresh brownies. Wine and lemonade.
Next Post: Inspired: Rwanda Baskets
Previous Post: Book: Three Cups of Tea
what a fun idea!
I am stealing this idea!