Washington D.C. is such a fun city! Elizabeth is going…

Wedding Wednesday: Cake Server
I’d splurge a bit if I could find a really lovely cake serving set for the wedding that I could keep using after (My economic stimulus rebate check is starting to smolder). I haven’t had any luck in my search. Most sets are so plain and not at all designed to be used for general entertaining.
What I’ve found so far in antiques have been very ornate and expensive. Or in new pieces, mostly boring. Have you run across any pretty cake servers?
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You could go for a ceramic one and paint it with your wedding color or china pattern.
We used my parent’s set… so pretty and sentimental. Would this be a possibility for you?
Try ebay. You never know what you’ll find.
My parents brought me back a cake server from Norway that I love, I found one like it here
A simple Wedgwood set by Vera Wang here
I don’t know that this is a great picture, but I usually like Michael Aram’s pieces.
here’s a beautiful server.
Need us to run by Replacements? 🙂
Wouldn’t work for big pieces, as it’s actually a pastry server, but it’s beautiful. Look around the site, if you can’t find anything there, you aren’t looking hard enough. 😉 Good Luck.
I second Michael Aram’s pieces! I was having the same problem, but I love how his serving pieces are inspired by nature.