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Wedding Wednesday: Cosmetic Secrets
I had to do my best TV make-up treatment for a photoshoot at work today. I’m getting pretty good at caking it on!
Which started me thinking about make-up for the wedding. I’m planning on doing my own, somewhere between the everyday and TV levels. I have the basics nailed down – foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, blush & brows. I’ll add small false eyelashes and a light bronzer.
So far, I’ve bought Body so Fine (smooths out your arms and legs a tiny bit) and She-laq (make-up sealer) just for the wedding. They were both used at the last wedding we photographed.
I just need to get a good primer and I think I’m set. Any recommendations? Favorite wedding make-up secrets?
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I’ve used Smashbox Photo Finish, and I like it. It really helps the makeup set. If I know I’ll be going somewhere after work, I put it on in the morning and my makeup still looks good that night.
I use the “light” version. But, Sephora sells trial sizes (which are still a bit pricey, for a trial) so you can experiment. They’ve got a few different options.
i also vote for smashbox photo finish…love it!
definitely put my vote for smashbox photo finish as well. it’s divine.
I used Body so Fine at my wedding. I loved the scent and feel of it. If you do use it, go light with the stuff. In all the photos taken with my friends’ digital cameras, my skin is SUPER SHINY! Luckily, my professional photos didn’t pick up on the sheen. Also, it rubbed off on my husband’s tux! Gotta love Photoshop!
Here are some super secrets from my headshot days….
For eyes:
Urban Decay makes a great eyeshadow primer–no creases or color transfer across the eyelid. I use it as a base when I have a long day ahead.
To make your lashes look really lush, apply a black waterproof gel, liquid or wet/dry liner on the rim of the upper eyelid, just below the lashes and right next to your eye. MAC fluidline works well, or dip a damp brush into Laura Mercier’s Caviar Eye Liner in Black. The right brush is important–something shaped like MAC #266.
To brighten your eyes and make you look more awake, lightly line inside the rim of the lower eyelid (again, right next to your eye) with a white eyeliner pencil. Go easy on it so that there’s not an obvious white line against your mascara, but this trick does wonders to perk up the eyes. Estee Lauder has a nice soft one called #10 White Writer.
For skin:
A bit of subtle judiciously placed highlighting makes a HUGE difference in photos. I recommend a highlighting powder or cream to brighten the browbone, inside corners of the eyes, and high on the cheekbones. MAC has a good one called Strobe Cream (you can get a sample at the counter), or they have a dual highlight/lowlight powder compact. The lowlighter works great in the hollows of the cheeks or even as a bronzer.
For lips:
One of my biggest wedding day goof-ups was not wearing kiss-proof lip gloss. The photographer had us smooch, then my husband gave me a kiss on the forehead. Yup. Big, fat lip prints on my forehead in a bunch of the shots! I don’t have a foolproof product for this arena, but I’ve heard good things about Cover Girl’s non-transferrable lip color/clear gloss combo.
Another vote for the Smashbox Photo Finish Light.
And thanks for the tips, greeneyes.
I just switched over to Fresh primer, foundation, and powder and I am in love. More than I ever have been with makeup before. I used it for my engagement shoot on a hot day in Mexico and I thought it worked wonders.
I have heard and seen some bad things w/r/t to the way Studio Fix can photograph – try to give your makeup a trial run, if you can, not only to practice but to make sure it photographs the way you want it to. I’ve seen way too many ghostly faces on friends — even the pale ones!