Jean and I were waiting for the fashionably late guests…

Act of Kindness: Tootsie to the Rescue
I had a bit of a scare on my way home from the movies on Sunday. Amber and I were saying goodbye outside the theater when a big tattooed guy asked us for some money. We said “sorry, no” and parted ways.
As I walked away, the jerk muttered something foul under his breath and started to follow me to the corner. Very creepy. I was nervous but not too worried; it was the middle of the day, on a crowded street and I carry a big ol’ mace in my purse.
While waiting for the light to change and trying to avoid the creepy stare, a tall transgendered woman suddenly walked up to my side – between me and the guy – and asked if I was okay. I said I was but that I appreciated her coming over to stand next to me.
She walked me all the way across the street and down the block. When we were in the clear, she said she’d watch down the street while I walked away just in case. As I waited for the bus and called the police to report the creep, I saw her walking back to her original destination – the complete opposite of mine.
Such a generous, kind and brave thing to do for a stranger on the street! You can only imagine the indignities that she’s had to face as a transgendered person trying to just live a normal life – and to stand up for me against this thug…amazing.
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great story, that really is so kind.
That is a great story. There are many kind people around.
Such a sweet story. Thanks for sharing. Yes, you just never know where the kindness will come from. I’m learning more and more in life not to judge and this story just goes to show.
Kindness come in so many packages. 🙂
I love kind city stories.
And I really, really loved that movie!
Em, that’s just about one of the greatest stories ever.
How awesome, especially considering she had no idea what kind of reception you would give her.
Oh! I hadn’t even considered that. For all she knew, I could have been some super predjudiced, rude person…she’s so brave!
wonderful story–here’s to kindness and looking out for each other!
I love stories like this. What a sweet woman.
When I read things like that it gives me a lot of faith. When things like that have happened to me, I got tears in my eyes. Thanks for sharing.