After two weekends of baby showers and week of being…
To Do: Wedding Present
Big, big – HUGE – wedding coming up this weekend. I’ll fill you in on the details Monday. Trust me, you’ll be excited.
Weddings bring wedding gifts. To me, a perfect wedding present is a bit extravagant, something you wouldn’t normally buy. Durable, something you can use to serve cookies to your grandkids. And as lovely as possible.
I’ve got a trusty list of go-to wedding gifts and includes a lot of pewter. Talk about durable! Absolutely lovely with no polishing required. And just the right amount of extravagant.
I suggest spending a few minutes browsing the gorgeous photos of handmade italian pewter on the Match website today.
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That vase/pitcher full of flowers is BEAUTIFUL!
True! I have a pewter platter with an embossing of apples and it will last forever. Lovely gift.
The glass bowls I received as gifts – nice at the time, but broken somewhere along the way.