Emily wrote in with a great request: I've moved to…
Inspired: Globe Bike
It’s not exactly a secret – but despite all my rides, multi-day tours and tandem bike adventures – I don’t actually know how to ride a bike on my own. I’m great at the pedaling, it’s the starting, stopping and remembering to steer that are a challenge. Just never quite learned.
Our beautiful new Globe Haul was partially purchased as a stylish way to lure me into learning to bike. I have to say…it’s working already. I do want to plan a fancy outfit and take this sweet ride out on my own. Chain guard means I don’t have to worry about rolling up my pant leg, integrated hub makes for stress-less shifting and built in lights will keep me cruising in the evening.
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Seriously, I had no idea that you couldn't ride. Why not? You are so accomplished at everything else.
I also adore the movies that you watched a couple of nights ago.
I am a major old movie fan.
I think I need this bike…
I grew up in the sticks, so to speak, and biking to a friends was a serious commitment. Though my dad forced us now and again, I never got comfortable with the start-stop-curb-fancy dismount-wheelie riding style most kids pick up when they're young. BUT, no fear! I moved to a big city, got a bike, and was one wobbly grown-up mess for a while. And now I'm in love! You can do it AND you can do it stylishly to boot.
What a coincidence! I just purchased a sweet Linus mixte today to cruise around our neighborhood. The mission is flat – thank god! We need to meet soon. I sent Kate (Riggins) a link to your entry about your weekend in SLO and she was delighted.
I've been eyeing one of these–a great way to learn, methinks.