This top from French Connection is a perfect office-to-out piece.…

Weekend Round-Up: Christmas in July
What a nice weekend! A combination of accidental holiday movie viewing and massive spoiling deemed earned this weekend it’s title.
On Friday night, Rob joined me for a small party at my office and then we came home for a relaxing evening. Netflix delivered Holiday Inn and Meet Me in St. Louis just in time for the weekend. I’d never seen Holiday Inn before – great dancing and fun to see Bing Crosby as a younger chap – but whoa, racist in a couple parts. Was not expecting that.
Rob left early the next morning to ride the Seven Hells of San Francisco. I lounged about until my spa appointment at Cocoon at 11. A much needed facial and a long pedicure. I headed back home feeling like putty and sporting glowing skin. I spent the afternoon organizing my closet and cleaning house. Rob came back at 3:30 having conquered the hills and unfortunately had to plug in to work for a database upgrade with his team.
I took the car in the afternoon out to Sloat Nursery, mecca for San Francisco gardens. Three new plants, two pots and a fun apple crate picked up at an estate sale next door. Back at home, I went berserk cutting back dead vines and planting the new treasures. The little garden is starting to look pretty lush!
Quiet evening after the garden frenzy. Artichokes and rainier cherries for dinner. I watched the second holiday movie of the weekend, Meet Me in St. Louis – one of the best movies ever. We made s’mores over the stove with leftover campign supplies before calling it a night.
Up early the next morning for San Francisco’s new flea market. City residents don’t have to trek over to Alameda any longer! A smaller event, the market at Candlestick was more manageable and had some amazing stuff for sale (especially the estate jewelry). Rob and I found a steel field office with two file drawers and a fold down desk to bring back home.
Still loaded with the desk, we stopped at Mike’s Bikes for a purchase Rob has had in mind for a while but was now available on sale. We’re the new owners of a Globe Haul bike! After unloading the car, we took it straight out for a trip to the store…with me on side-saddle in the back. The neighborhood was packed for the Giant’s game and we got a lot of “shout-outs” from the crowd.
Over to Pier 5 to soak up the sun for a while on the breezy bay, then down Market Street to pick up a box on See’s Candy on a whim. Back at home, Rob watched Tour de France while I took a 2 hour nap. In the afternoon, we walked up to Cole Valley Hardware downtown and then back home. A big dinner of thai pot stickers and a salad with kale, parsley and lettuce from the garden.
Previous Post: Rainier Cherry Mojitos
Thought of you this weekend as I conquered the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. My daughter scored big. She's starting a new school in the fall, so it's important that she look COOL.
Holiday Inn – I love that movie. TCM shows it every christmas season, and they usually omit the "blackface" scene. My mom remembers when this film was first shown in theaters (!) and she tells me that "blackface" was from vaudeville days, and it wasn't considered racist at the time, although I would say that this practice has ALWAYS been racist, but that society has become more kind and sophisticated (for the most part at least) and as a result performers in "blackface" are no longer comfortable to watch. Still, taken in historical context it is somewhat easier to watch and/or understand when seen in these old films.
Have you seem 'Christmas in Connecticut' ? another wonderful old holiday film. Highly recommended.
That Globe Haul bike is GREAT!
Awesome bike and pot stickers yum! Sounds like a great weekend!!