The weekend started with a relaxing night at home. We…

Weekend Round-Up: Infirmary
This weekend was a bit of a disappointment. I had plans to spend loads of time outside enjoying the warm summer weather. But I woke up on Saturday morning with my second cold of the month and didn’t leave the apartment even once. Boo…
After breakfast, Rob went to volunteer with the Bicycle Coalition and Nicole came over for a quick millinery project that I could do in my pajamas. She needed to use my glue gun to decorate a hat for the Kentucky Derby next weekend. We added green ribbon and peacock feathers to match her green dress. Pretty lovely!
We also made a hair clip to wear in a low bun with her outfit for the second day.
I spent the rest of the day watching old movies on TV (Baby Boom, Ghostbusters), reading and drinking tea. To bed early that night. I must have been pretty darn sick because I slept all the way until Rob work me up after 10 the next morning. Coffee and the paper in bed. Rob went to ride with friends in Marin and I didn’t get up until 12:30.
When I finally came downstairs, I had lunch and worked on some water color sketches before falling back asleep.
Rob returned home from his bike ride at 5:30 and we had a nice Indian dinner together. Hopefully, this lost weekend will result in my being completely well the rest of the week? We’ll see!
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Even on your sick days you pack in a lot of entertainment! I hope you feel better soon. I was sick last week and after I was feeling better, I waged a disinfectant war. Be well 🙂