In my perfect world, you'd be served fresh hot rolls…

Weekends: Rainy
It has been raining for nearly a week here in San Francisco – an unusual streak of bad weather that has the whole city in a tizzy and our walk-based routines disrupted. The holidays charged ahead regardless of the rain!
We started the weekend on Thursday night, celebrating Jean’s 30th birthday at the Academy of Sciences. Had so much fun with Jean showing us her favorite exhibits and talking science. She even made friends with giant rodents:
On Friday night, we walked down the street in the rain to celebrate Rebecca‘s birthday at a local cafe. She arranged a night of short story telling and hot chocolate. She’s always so creative with party ideas!
I slept in Saturday to fight off the head cold that had been following me around all week. Margaret and I met downtown in the afternoon for Christmas shopping. I stocked up on hostess gifts including holiday scented hand soaps and velvet ribbon on beautiful wood spools.
Rob called at 3:00 needing us to pick up the car and meet him at the ballpark. During the annual Supermarket Sweep bike ride for the Food Bank, our friend Liam had tried to carry 570 lbs of donations on his bike…and quickly bent his wheel. We picked up the stranded food in the car and delivered it to the food bank in time for an official photo with Rob. Liam was just one of several riders who damaged their bikes trying to deliver massive food donations – the holiday spirit in action!
Lazy night at home after running some errands and dropping Margaret off. Rob and I watched When Harry Met Sally, I hadn’t seen it in years! Still pouring rain outside.
Woke up on Sunday morning feeling the worst of the cold so far. What kind of crazy cold gets worse on the 5th day? So I canceled my fun plans and curled up in the den with movies and embroidery projects. Personalizing tea towels for the holidays is exactly the kind of craft I like: easy, inexpensive and endlessly creative.
Slept, ate and watched more movies. A thoroughly boring day. All this rest had better help buck my annual tradition of being sick straight through from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
Next Post: Holiday Wish List
Previous Post: To Do: Embroider Kitchen Towels
Where'd you get the tea towels? Those look super cute!
They're from Cost Plus – a full post about the project is coming this week!
I love those tea towels! Looking forward to your post …