Episode four of Downton Abbey features a 10 second scene…

To Do: Embroider Kitchen Towels
Hello Oh Happy Day readers! That beeswax candle project is a great one for the holidays and here’s another one of my favorites. When I need something special for a bridal shower or holiday gifts, it just takes a bit of time to personalize dish towels with easy embroidery. I did this set over the weekend using bright flour sack towels from Cost Plus.
You just need embroidery floss, needles, a loop and a couple sparkly beads to get started. Backstitch delivers clean, sturdy lines for most of these patterns. For the designs, I pretty much wing it – sometimes sketching out ideas in white pencil before starting. I like that they’re not perfectly even.
The finished product can be used as a standalone gift or as wrapping around a wine bottle or other treat!
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Thank you for this great idea! I'm going to start on this today xoxo