Rob and I went to Macy's last night to look…

Weekends: Off
After two weekends of baby showers and week of being out sick with a bad cold, I was excited to take it easy this weekend. Rob and I went out to an early sushi dinner on Friday night and I turned in for bed before 10 – sadly missing a friend’s birthday party across town.
On Saturday, I stayed in bed reading for a long time. Rob and I watched episodes of Louis CK Season 3 – the most amazing show, so clever and weird and poetic. Rob took off for bike riding and I went to a hair appointment in the afternoon. After the salon, I met Nicole downtown for a little shopping. Got a really great dress and sweater at Club Monaco.
Nicole helped me put away my winter clothes and bring out my spring wardrobe before Rob joined us out at RickieBobby for dinner. Dangerously good food, so close to our apartment! We went to Maven for a drink afterward:
Nicole spent the night in our guest room and we had a leisurely breakfast the next day. Warm almond croissants, coffee and the Sunday paper.
Rob left to bike down to Palo Alto while Nicole and I geared up for a hike. We walked up Fillmore Street all the way to Pacific Heights mansions and over to the Lyon Street stairs. Look at how pretty the bay was!
We walked up and down the stairs, then back along Divisadero Street. We stopped for ice cream at the new Bi-Rite, toasted coconut and chocolate for me:
And checked out some of the cute new shops that have opened up in NOPA. Altogether, about 4 miles across the city.
Showered and ate a quick lunch at home. Then drove to Palo Alto to meet Rob, Jean and Trent by the pool at their new apartment. Great to get some sun and float in the water:
After swimming, the four of us drove out to Half Moon Bay in their new car. We walked the dogs on the beach – that’s Mavericks in the distance.
Dinner at the local Princeton-by-the-sea brewery together – Jean and Trent sweetly asked if Rob and I would be the baby’s godparents. We drove back home and had cups of hot tea while planning out the busy week ahead.
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