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Travel: Oxford, England
Rob has to go to Oxford in May for business and I’m thinking about going along with him. Any advice for visiting the city? And, for places to see after? I’m thinking about heading to Bath or Cotswalds.
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I was there years ago so memories are fuzzy, but you could walk along the river to a place where you can get scones and clotted cream and picnic outside. So lovely and so british!
My daughter moved to Oxford last year. There is so much you can do. Lots of literature-specific walking tours, if you like that sort of thing. The obvious culture and city (read Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers before you go!).
If you have transport, William Morris's Kelmscott Manor is at Kelmscott, a tiny village (population 101) that is truly beautiful. Really exquisite by any standards. That is if you're interested in the English Arts & Crafts Movement…
There are also great music and comedy shows on in Oxford, check it out and get tickets!!
I was in London last December and from there booked a tour to visit both Bath and Stonehenge. You could visit both or one of those places on your own.
Bath is larger than I expected. There are a lot of shops and restaurants and is a great place for a day trip.
You could also visith the Roman Baths and the Bath Abbey church.
The weather in May will be nice, and you could spend some time walking around the city. Have fun!
If you are interested I can start looking into getting you an invite to have a meal in college
Check out Aspiring Kennedy Blog. She's visited these cities and gives some advice. Have Fun!