I hardly ever find anything good at the neighborhood Crossroads…

What to Wear: Cross Country Skiing
I love cross country skiing for a several key reasons: no crowded ski resorts, no expensive lift tickets, plenty of time outdoors, little chance of major injury, excellent full-body workout and cute outfits! Because you get so hot while nordic skiing, there’s no need for bulky ski clothes in most conditions. This outfit is inspired by a stylish German skier who stayed at the Glacier Point Hut with us.
Leggings – A pair of thick winter leggings or runner’s tights are plenty in most situations. I bring a pair of waterproof pants to layer on top just in case.
Socks – Pair a set of comfortable Smartwool socks with these stylish leg-warmers.
Boots – Make sure your cross-country ski boots don’t rub anywhere and are tied tightly at the ankle. Nicole and Rob both came home with blisters.
Top – A warm sporty layer is plenty for most cross-country ski trips. You get hot since it’s such crazy cardiovascular exercise. I have a version of this Nike side-tie top in lilac.
T-shirt – A basic v-neck tee in heather gray from Gap. We skied in our t-shirts most of the way.
Jacket – The black and white down jacket is stylish for staying warm at night or in colder weather.
Gloves – Basic black ski gloves.
Sunglasses – Retro fabulous black plastic aviators. I have a photo of me skiing in a red pair like this in the early 80’s.
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