Yay for Liz and Eric from Seattle! They have a…

Dear Lucille – Month Two
We’ve seen you start to become a person in these last few weeks! Most of your second month has been spent in San Luis Obispo at your Grandparent’s house. You first arrived there as a very cute but still unresponsive newborn.
It was just a few days after on September 6 that you smiled a real smile, your very first, at your Grandfather. Those little dimples on each side! I immediately started taking dozens of photos of you each day to try to capture it:
Still not a fan of burping or tummy time. You are so cute when you’re mad, with a big pout and a crooked bottom lip that it is hard to take you seriously.
We spent most of the time in SLO eating, sleeping and taking walks in the pram around and around the neighborhood while I continued to recover. You had so many admirers come to visit! You loved taking naps on Grandmother and watching the birds out the window. Shane decided that the two of you would be “good friends” and thought that was pretty great.
Back in San Francisco for a couple weeks after that. You went on picnics in the park, walks to farmer’s market, bike races, biergartens and even a big day out at the Museum of Modern Art downtown. We thought you might like the Calder mobiles…you weren’t that impressed.
You’re so cute some times that it almost doesn’t seem real. I officially gave up on getting you to breastfeed around week seven and immediately we both felt better. You like your breastmilk served ice cold in a bottle and I’m happy to oblige. All this pumping feels like a union job – I take six 15 minute “breaks” a day.
A true city girl, you don’t mind the noise of sirens, dogs or garbage trucks one bit. You sleep through it all like a champ.
You had a beach party with your cousins during a heatwave. The first of many times in your life when you’ll have to hide that porcelain skin under and umbrella, hat and ample clothing.
You’ve outgrown all your newborn clothes and most of your 3 month clothes too. We call you the “milk gnome.”
It is fun to see you starting to figure out things like toys and using your hands for more than just chewing. What big ears you have!
I started working again at the end of September and you were there with me when I pitched new clients and took naps on my belly while I worked on contracts for my first real hire. You even have your own passport now. Such a bosslady.
You got to spend some time with your cousins last week. Eleanor wasn’t quite sure to make of her small, fair compatriot. She mostly would like to take your bottles. We hope you’ll turn out to be friends.
You love words that start with “G” and we’ve been having fun thinking of new ones to test on you. Gorgeous, gaggle, gorgonzola, galaxy…they all trigger you to respond with babbles in this sweet quiet voice.
We think you’re pretty great!
Next Post: We’re going to Iceland!
Previous Post: Dear Lucille – Month Three
Just the cutest, sweetest baby girl! I have been following your blog since your “single” days and am having fun watching this little one make her way into the world. Congratulations!
Thanks Christie!
Lucille is precious. And that pouty face– so hilarious and too cute! I hope you’re fully recovered as well.
Thanks Susan!
THOSE DIMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!
The dimples slay me!
That pretty face though!!!!