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Daisy Girl Scouts: Responsible for What I Say & Do Petal
Our Daisy Girl Scout troop has started earning their petal badges! For our first meeting in January, we worked on the orange “Responsible for what I say and do” petal.
Five year olds are exactly the right demographic for the classic “card game” 52 pick-up. We had the girls work as a team in three timed games as our wiggle break activity.
For the main craft, we made “flower pot” chore reminders using three popsicle sticks decorated with a drawing of a daily task (ie: brush teeth, walk dog, do dishes), a paper chrysanthemum and washi tape. This was their best, most-attentive craft project yet!
- Name tags and coloring as girls arrive
- Opening circle with the Girl Scout pledge and handshake
- Discussion of what “responsible” means, promises and New Year’s resolutions
- Wiggle break: timed rounds of 52 pick-up
- Craft: Chore reminder flower pots
- Closing circle: badge ceremony and friendship circle
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These girls are very lucky to have you as their troop leader.
Thanks Emily! We have a lot of fun together.