Tracy and Bille hosted us for a sewing project last…

My San Francisco Baby Shower
Another pregnancy milestone checked off the list! My final baby shower was last weekend – an wonderful day in San Francisco full of friends, family and lots of experienced moms. There are so many things I loved about this party hosted by my friends Jackie and Margaret.
First, I loved that the party was at my own house. My inner hermit is always pleased to be surrounded by friends at home. And my hostess nature always is happy to see my favorite china, silver, table linens and serving trays get put to good use.
I had a leisurely morning before Jean arrived to whisk me away from the scene of party preparations. We hid out in a nearby cafe drinking coffee and eating quiche while the details came together.
Guests began arriving at 2:00. I was surprised and honored that several friends drove in from hours away to celebrate with us. All together there must have been about 20 people in attendance – it was a whirlwind.
I also loved that there were so many girls who came to the party with their mothers. (Rob and the boys escaped to the Exploratorium) Our hostesses helped coordinate a craft table for them in the baby’s room where they made celestial mobiles with paper moons, tulle and stars. Our little girl will have an amazing squad of older “cousins” to show her the ropes.
Margaret enlisted a friend of hers who graduated from culinary school to make a buffet of delicious, pregnancy-friendly food for the guests. We had bruschetta, quiche, a massive cheese plate, fresh fruit and vegetables, olives and a tuscan bean dip.
There were two craft projects for the guests to choose from: embroidering constellations on small squares of fabric or stamping burp cloths. Crafts are so much more fun than the traditional baby shower games, don’t you think?
Forget flower girls at weddings, I’m convinced now that every baby shower should have a gaggle of 4 to 6 year old girls in attendance. They were the loveliest helpers during the gift opening – shuffling packages back and forth, showing the gifts to the guests and generally being so excited about the whole process.
These were some serious, no kidding-around, from-the-pros gifts to boot. I received all kinds of treasured books, must-have tools, swaddle sacks, nail scissors, carriers, rockers and balms. And, even better, lots and lots of support that everything is going to turn out fine.
When we finished the gifts, it was time for cake. Jackie picked up this towering lemon curd cake from Miette in Marin for the party. So elegant!
Yum! I’ve been staying away from sugar during the third trimester – so cake is an extra special treat.
So many thanks to my lovely friends for hosting this event. This party reminded why I love to host baby showers for other people. There’s nothing like being celebrated and supported at the cusp of this life-changing event by people who really care about you.
According to the girl squad the baby will have green eyes, blonde hair and will be named “Goofball.”
After the party, I was whisked away again to be kept from helping with clean-up. This time, to the Nob Hill Spa at the Huntington Hotel for a 90-minute prenatal massage and a bit of pool-side bathrobe lounging time. What a perfect day!
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