I've got a thing for old-fashioned, paper-wrapped grease pencils today.…

Dear Lucille: One Year!
We made it! You have survived your first trip around the sun and have turned into my favorite little person. Your first word this month was “cup” and you love showing off your ability to drink water out of a glass without spilling (mostly), You also understand “ball,” “daddy,” “mommy,” “clap,” “doggy” and “dance.”
You are SO cute right now. And at the same time, very very hard to photograph. You’re either eating…
…or moving way too fast when I want to capture a photo.
If last month’s theme was “cobblestones” – this month’s was “Tahoe.” We spent most weekends and a whole week up in Donner and Truckee. You are a pro at sleeping in a tent.
You love swimming in the lakes up here with us and splashing in the mud.
When we’re at home, you’re adept at opening cabinets and digging through what is inside.
We go to different parks together at least once a day and your beloved babysitter, Panida, takes you around to storytime at various bookstores and libraries daily.
You love watching older kids run around and are an excellent sharer who usually gives other’s toys back promptly.
You are happiest outside, watching something unfold.
Your favorite thing of all right now is to play “catch” with a ball. You hold your short little arms over your head and catapult the ball down with remarkable accuracy. You’ve even learned how to kick the ball now – before you can walk! I wasn’t planning on being a soccer mom. However, it appears that I’m toast.
We went to a 4th of July parade and you were only interested in the occasional dog that was part of the procession. Still an excellent pointer.
We volunteered more in July, too. You’re a little too big to carry in the pack the whole time, so now we bring you in a fancy jogging stroller. You are good at napping under the trees while we work on the trails.
You have a great appetite. We usually have cereal with fruit or breakfast burritos in the morning. I pack you a lunch with leftover meat, vegetables, fruit, pasta and cheese for lunch out in the city. An afternoon snack is a must before you devour a massive quantity of dinner with us at 6:00 – no matter how spicy. And you still manage several bottles of milk each day in between. You have five (very sharp) teeth.
You are adept at climbing stairs, to our chagrin.
This is from the opening of our friend Jordan’s museum, the very fun, very impressive Color Factory. You were initially scared of the ball pit – thinking it had swallowed up your parents.
We first celebrated your birthday with an event in the park across from UCSF hospital where you were born. Rob remembers looking out on it when he was with you in the NICU.
We had friends and ice cream sundaes and bubbles and a pinata. It was a great time. Your dear Godfather Shane drove up for it. After the party, we recreated your first outing as a newborn – when Shane took Rob for a much-needed beer next to the hospital after your discharge.
Your birthday celebration continued with a trip to Truckee. You love all the cool toys at our friend’s house!
We took the day off work to play with your cousins at Donner Lake. You swam in the lake (holding on the oar most of the time).
You loved being dipped and swung in the air by your Dad. Look at the water coming off your little toes!
Ev continues to love playing with you. Eleanor is warming up to it. She shared her “Moana” (princess toy) with you and even lent you a pacifier for your nap. As long as you stay away from her towel and her food – you’re golden.
We had cake and sang to you. You were more expert with the frosting here than at your party over the weekend.
You are growing up to be a clever, kind, curious person. You love cuddling your toys and sharing them so others can squeeze them too. You give real hugs now, with the most heart-crushing little “pats.” You are tremendous at lift-the-flap books, dancing and clapping.
It has been a GREAT year!
Next Post: Modern Art at Lisbon’s Museu Coleção Berardo
Previous Post: My 12 Favorite Newborn Essentials
Happy birthday, baby Lucille! It’s a pleasure to watch you grow up 🙂
Em–you’ve probably already done this, but make sure you get a picture of her with her babysitter. I have a great one of my daughter from when she was about three with Mother’s-Day-Out teacher who *adored* her. She doesn’t remember Miss Peggy at all, but of course I do. I love having the picture to show her.
Congratulations to your happy little family!
Yes! I need to to do this. Thank you for the reminder!
Happy Birthday Lucille!
Thank you!
Happy birthday Lucille! I have been a blog reader of yours for years and I have especially love the monthly posts/letters you write to Lucille What a treasure for her to have as she gets older.!
Here’s to a wonderful 2nd year as a family of three.
Laura (mama to three dear children)
Thank you!
Happy Birthday Lucille! And congratulations, Emily and Rob, for not only surviving but enjoying and sharing her first year. She is just darling and such an adventurer already!
Let me know if you’re down on the Peninsula/South Bay and I’ll reach out next time we head your way, too.