Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles
Crush: Mike Rowe

Crush: Mike Rowe

I've been watching more TV than usual lately due to the limitations of my rump injury. Rob and I both like the Discovery Channel so…
Crafty: Latice Pumpkins

Crafty: Latice Pumpkins

I love the concept behind these pumpkin designs from Martha Stewart. Using the appropriate wood gouges it doesn't seem like it would be utter lunacy.…
Party Round-up

Party Round-up

The LAC anniversary party went off without a hitch on Friday night! Nicole arrived in the city at 5:00 and we quickly got started on…
Sick Day

Sick Day

Between the party and the Macy's Passport Sale, I apparently had too much fun this weekend. I woke up in the middle of the night…
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