Things I Love Today: Online Menus

Things I Love Today: Online Menus

I hate feeling rushed while deciding what to order at a good restaurant. I like to start chatting and drinking wine instead of pouring over the menu for the exact right thing to pick.

So I get geeky and often check the restaurant’s menu online before going out. Ample time to read the fine print, google ingredients I don’t understand and put together a perfect choice. (Very nerdy and somewhat OCD-like, I know.)

I’m going to Slow Club tonight with Rob and my cousin, Heidi. I think I’ll have the cannellini bean, gold chard and grana padano soup with either the grilled recla speck flatbread or the shaved summer squash salad. For dessert, I think the strawberry and walnut crisp is for me (although the banana bread pudding is really good). Yum!

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There are 5 comments for this article
  1. Tonia Conger at 11:28 pm

    I ate a slow club about 3 years ago (I’m pretty sure it was Slow Club) and it was GREAT!

  2. tiffany at 2:05 am

    My husband and I often do the same thing before eating out. Especially when we’re picking a new place and going with our friends. We run through the menu and try to make sure our especially picky friend will have something to choose from, and that we’ll have a healthy option to pick too.

    So, if you’re weird, then we are too.

  3. Anonymous at 2:27 pm

    Hi Emily,

    To add to your barrage of wedding-related questions: I’m attending a black tie wedding in Washington, D.C. at the end of the summer; does that mean I have to wear a long dress? My boyfriend is in the wedding party and he will be wearing a tuxedo with a long black tie. I’m not sure what black tie means for women anymore!


  4. mrsem Author at 3:41 pm

    Hi Stephanie! I thought that a short cocktail dress would be fine for a black tie wedding, but the readers insisted that long was required. We don’t really have black tie weddings here in California, so I don’t have any personal experience with that.