Memo: You should never cook/eat the following in the office

Memo: You should never cook/eat the following in the office

Note to all cubicle warriors: the cooking and consumption of tuna, sausage patties, pungent curry and leftover beef stew is prohibited from the office environment. Due to the extremely noxious odors these foods emit, this ban is to take place immediately. Any meals that emit dog-food-like smells should be eaten outside the office, preferably in a well ventilated outdoor location. Our company risks offending visiting clients and loss of productivity related to employee agitation related to these breaches. Thank you for your understanding.

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There is 1 comment for this article
  1. T at 8:26 pm

    I bought a package of BEEF by accident at Safeway a while back. It said “make your own beef sandwitches”, but it only came with the BEEF. I microwaved it here in the office. Wasn’t so bad…