This weekend was pretty pitiful. We had planned to spend…

I desperately need a facial
All this city living has taken a toll on my poor skin. Maybe this weekend, I’ll get a facial with J. The Kabuki Springs Spa seems pretty affordable and I have heard good things. I also like Relax Now but they have raised their prices. If J calls and makes an appointment for Saturday I will pay for hers…
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just give me the number!!
Click on the link! (Jeeze, what am I paying you $75/minute for!)
what time?
and which facial? i am new to this mumbo jumbo!
Anytime…Saturday? I like either the first or second choice ($75)
did you already pick a time? or a facial?
Darn you! Why doesn’t your cell phone work!!! I haven’t picked a time and would prefer the first facial choice.