Earth Day 2009: stuck sweaty in a record-breaking April heat…

Urban Girl Almanac
It’s been another busy week in San Francisco. The last few days were full of fabulous weather, fun parties and a few challenges. Here’s what I learned:
- The only thing worse than serving jury duty is being put on jury duty standby. I had to talk to that bossy voicemail system more than ten times this week.
- Baking almost 100 cupcakes in one night is surprisingly easy.
- Cobb salad! One of the best foods on the planet.
- Cheesy summer television shows are lovely (and extremely formulaic, where do they find all these crabby brits?) ! I love Hasselhoff!
- When you host 12 ladies for a cupcake decorating party everyone will have fun but very few will actually admit to planning on eating their besprinkled creations.
- “Besprinkled” is my new favorite word!
- San Francisco’s normally charming hills become death hikes when the temperature passes 80 degrees.
- Pride week! Rock on fabulous San Francisco gays!
- The Grand Cafe is a fun place to have breakfast.
- Giving directions to confused tourists is a good deed and a good test of your bus/train knowledge.
- Don’t ever, ever eat chips and salsa on the bus.
- An effective defensive move for kickball shortstops: jump around with your arms over your head and yell “kick it to me.” It’s very distracting to your opponents.
- Two bikinis, two books, two pairs of pants and two sweaters is all you need for a weekend at the beach in Santa Cruz.
- Don’t forget about free public transportation on Spare the Air days this summer.
I’m off to the beach for a nice relaxing weekend!
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