I'm not much of a skier myself, but I do…

Things I love today: Garden roses
I have the oddest craving for a bouquet of what I call “garden roses.” Garden roses are the fragrant, delicate and imperfect roses that are vastly different from those giant Colombian roses that are becoming so common. I haven’t found a place in the city that sells them yet, although Zuzu’s Petals is a good candidate. Any recommendations?
Frustratingly, I did find a company in England that offers just what I am looking for. The Real Flower Company specializes in the “finest scented garden roses, herbs and flowers.” Even the founder is perfect, her name is Rosebie! If I lived in the UK, I would sign up for their subscription program and have them delivered to my office each month.
PS: Thinking about jewelry and crafts, not roses? There is a Feria Urbana sale tomorrow at the Canvas Gallery.
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