The Hawaiian madness continues. Last week, I reported that four…

Things I love Today: Apartment Buildings
Our apartment building (or really any apartment building) isn’t thought of fondly due to it’s smell. After a few decades of tenants, these buildings seem to take on a permanent chicken and cigarette perfume. This scent is usually only changed on Sunday, when it switches to bacon, pancakes, chicken and cigarettes. After a while you get used to the smells and forget all about them.
However, once and while there are good smells. Smells that remind you of Paris and restore your faith in urban life! Last night I was baking huge batches of sugar cookies for the party with the kitchen window wide open. Our neighbor downstairs was making homemade blackberry jam with some friends. He picked the blackberries from a garden he grows in our parking area. The whole apartment building had an amazing smell of delicious berries, cookies and coffee!
He said he would give us a jar of the jam once it is finished. I think it would be a perfect paring with a few of those sugar cookies!
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