Happy office-Christmas-party-Friday to you! Man is it freezing outside today!…

Reader Appreciation: Brian and Hadley
We already know that Margaret and Rebecca are fantastic! Let’s find more readers who rock!
Margaret nominated Brian as an appreciated reader last night:
“Brian is a wonderful friend. He’s great for brunch or making you lunch, parties you never dreamed of attending and local adventures. I guarantee a hug and a smile on your face. If you’re spending time with Brian you’re sure to have a good time.”
I agree! Brian is a great reader and a party animal! And what about our neighbors to the North? From Canada, our reader Hadley wrote in:
I’ve been lurking around your site for the last few months and it is one of the first sites I check when I log onto the net at the beginning of a 12 hour shift at work. (yech) Thank you for helping me pass the time and thank you for all the great ideas on your site. A silent but appreciative reader – Hadley
Super cool! Email me your reader appreciation nominations, photos and comments!
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