I have a jersey version of this fun striped cardigan…

Gift Idea: Mecury Glass Candlesticks
Mercury glass tends to straddle that thin line between ugly/Madonna Inn and unique/lovely. I think these copper candlesticks from Gump’s fall on the lovely side.
In the right setting, i.e. not on a maroon backdrop, they would be so perfect. Imagine a table set with dark brown linens, white roses and these candlesticks. Or on a bedside table with a stack of thick books. And only $40!
Next Post: Recipe: Peppermint Cake
Previous Post: Sale Alert: Jonathan Adler at Macy’s
is that because they are from GUMPS?! I think they are scarier than war
Scarier than war? Yikes, that is scary!
Madonna Inn is certainly garish, but their Pink Champagne Cake is so yummy!
Be sure to try the lemon coconut and the toffee cake too!