Things I Love Today: Kate Spade Calendar

Things I Love Today: Kate Spade Calendar

Jordan gave me this Kate Spade planner as a lovely gift early in December. I love using a paper calendar and pencils instead of Outlook to plan my time. There is just something so satisfying about crossing off a task or flipping a page.

This particular calendar is well organized and full of cute clip art. It is a fun improvement on the At-A-Glance books I used to use all the time. Jill Bliss also puts out a gorgeous planner; choose the redwood forest design. I feel so organized!

PS – Go right now and mark your 2007 calendar or datebook with all the year’s birthdays. You’ll be glad when they roll around.

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There are 2 comments for this article
  1. Beth at 9:25 pm

    That is so cute! I agree with you about daily planners that you can write in. I always get mine in November because I get so excited to get organised. I know, what a dork. 😉