I did some much needed fall shopping yesterday with my…

Things I Love Today: Replacements
One of the other highlights of my vacation in North Carolina was a visit to the Replacements headquarters in Greensboro. Replacements is a store that carries 11 million pieces of new and antique china, silver, glass, etc. It’s basically mecca.
If you can believe it, there is even more to love about Replacements. The founder, Bob Page, is openly gay, has adopted two children with his partner and is an active campaigner for equal rights. That would be a big deal even for a businessman in San Francisco and I can imagine it has very hard for him in the south. What an inspiration!
The store itself is incredible! My sister and I spent approximately two and a half hours looking at every…single…thing they had. Rob lasted one round before retiring to the cushy “lounge” they have set up. The silver wing of the store was to die for. I was ready to drain my accounts for a few of the 14″ sterling trumpet vases, 200 piece silverware sets and art deco tea services. In the end, I bought a set of six sterling iced tea spoon straws, a small ladle, a vase and a set of blue art nouveau plates.
If you live anywhere even remotely close to Greensboro, plan a trip to Replacements. You will not be disappointed!
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Don’t they have a site online, through Ebay or something. I thought I heard something to that effect.
Most of their business is online but you kind of have to know what you are looking for with them. Not so great for browsing online unfortunately.
I am flying out there just for replacements. Seriously!!!!