Sorry about the break in posting. I drove out to…
What to Wear: White House Party
This request is a biggie:
I have an opportunity to go to a White House Christmas party for the first and probably only time with a cute new boy I’m seeing. I need to look fabulous for him as well as for everyone else who will be there. It’s not until the 7th or so of December but he only asked me last week so I do feel a little rushed.
I checked out some pictures of the event online from last year and Laura Bush is wearing a nice suit. I don’t think it’s black tie because all the men were in suits. And it looks like different people dress up to different standards. I saw a picture of a girl in a shiny blouse and black pants so it’s sort of confusing. I have a dress in mind. I think it’s just the staff party but nonetheless…it’s the White House. 🙂
As for budget…hmm… I hadn’t really thought of one but I do know that I’d like to be able to wear it again and in different settings…something that would serve me for a good couple of years. Maybe $300. If I loved it and it made me look more beautiful than life itself, well I might consider spending more.
I’m about 5’5″ and wear a size 8. Since it’s December I’d like it to have sleeves and be at least mid knee length. I have reddish brown hair and green eyes. Something with color would be nice but I can do black very well…but I have a lot of black.
I’ve put together three different options for Stephanie depending on the direction she wants to take.
Dress – I love this delicately sequined sheath for this “office” party. In a setting where you are surrounded by suits, this is a festive, flattering and clever choice for $178.
Tights – Black opaque tights from Hue.
Shoes – Classic black heels.
Dress – It’s not my favorite thing ever, but it will be attractive and super appropriate. Plus, pockets; always nice to have at an event with networking potential. $265.
Shoes – Satin peep toes with a bow and a vintage flair.
Dress – In the movie version, this is what the heroine would wear. Stephanie would be an absolute knock-out in this $278 blue satin dress with her red hair and green eyes. Pair it with a little jacket if you’re worried about being cold.
Shoes – Sequined silver pumps.
Pair your pick of the three with a clutch, earrings and other accessories. And don’t forget to live it up!
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Hi Emily – I lurk on your site a lot and think you always do such a clever job with your posts. I vote for option 2 for Stephanie – I’ve actually been to a holiday party at the White House (back in the Clinton days) – it’s truly fabulous! Lots of military bands, unbelievable Christmas decorations, fancy food, and roving social secretaries to be sure you don’t miss a step. Stephanie will probably get her picture taken with the Pres. and Mrs. after waiting in the receiving line. Hope she has a great time!
PS: I just got a mailer from BCBG announcing a sale starting the 15th. That’s a great place to find cocktail dresses.
I don’t know if it is appropriate, but I adore the modern dress. Great find.
I just found your site from Don’t try this at Home.
Love all your tips!
i love all your ideas emily! i actually picked out a few great holiday dresses on my blog – so check it out Stephanie (nordstrom is a can’t beat resource!)
I LOVE the last dress – too gorgeous!
I just stumbled on your site today and I adore it already.
They are all beautiful-but, honestly, having lived in DC for a lot of years I wouldn’t wear the modern one. DC is pretty conservative in dress. The red one is actually perfect for DC, but the blue would be more fun (just bring a wrap in case everyone is a little too conservatively dressed to show shoulders-oh my!)
I like the Red Dress as well. I just love that true blue red (atleast on my computer screen) is stunning. I just love that color.
I love option 3. I wish I had some extra cash, I’d buy it right now!!
the party is business attire. maybe the red dress but most everyone else, including other ladies will be wearing a blazer. wear a simple black dress with a cute/fancy/holiday blazer!