What a crazy week. I'm working like a maniac at…

To Do: Cavallo Point
There’s a new hotel opening across the bridge from San Francisco this summer. It seems like it will be fun! A developer has taken over the old military base, Fort Baker, and is scheduled to open in June.
Cavallo Point is going to have 142 rooms, some in historic military housing, a spa, wedding facilities and a restaurant. There would be great views for wedding pictures. My only concern would be staying warm, it might be kind of chilly out there. Thankfully, it’s not outrageously priced for a resort ($250 a night and up). I’m going to have to drive out there and check it out for our wedding guests one of these weekends.
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Oh, Emily!! Do you know about the Marin Headlands Hostel?? All the fort lovelyness for $12 a night. I love it so much I sometimes think of going to stay there for a night, but um, we live 7 minutes away. When we looked at the Woman’s Club for our venue our plan was to rent out the whole (smaller house) at the hostel for our guests. It’s adorable, and has a big shared living room and kitchen. It’s dorm style rooms, but they are cute and small. Anyway, it’s $750 a night, and it sleeps 22 people. We were so looking forward to that… but now the wedding will be too far away. I’d look into it for your delightful poorer friends (if you have any, we have LOTS).