To Do: Greet Family

To Do: Greet Family

Our first out-of-towners arrived yesterday! My sister and her boyfriend landed from North Carolina in the afternoon.

In a stroke of bad luck, she was in a pretty major car accident yesterday morning before their flight. Luckily, she wasn’t at fault and her car took all the damage. She and the dog escaped with only some scratches and bruises. Her left arm and ribs are the most hurt, but she doesn’t think she needs x-rays. A little creative make-up and no-one should know that she’s a bruised bridesmaid!

While the guys went to practice music, we hit the neighborhood for a restorative glass of rosé and a cheese plate. And I whipped her up a stylish sling out of a silk scarf before going out to ethiopian for dinner. Poor Jean! I’m glad she’s here.

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There are 4 comments for this article
  1. Molly at 8:14 pm

    Poor little thing!! I am glad she is doing well, and is here for your big day!! Yay, 2 more days!!

  2. Eliza at 2:31 am

    Arnica cream does wonder for bruising. Please make sure Jean receives the care she needs from the accident…sometimes symptoms don’t show up for weeks or months.

    Have a great wedding and keep us posted!