We're gearing up to move at the end of the…
What to Wear: Elegant Spring Weekend
For the first time since we moved, it has stopped raining! This, combined with two many old movies and too much imagination has me planning something feminine for the weekend.
Here’s what I’d wear for a trip to the flower market, stop at a tea lounge and a Sunday ballet matinee:
Top – Sleeveless ruffled white blouse on sale.
Cardigan – In ballet pink.
Skirt – J.Crew pencil skirt on sale in cinnamon stick.
Wallet – In metallic floral from Forever 21.
Shoes – Beige pumps with snakeskin heels.
Trench – A classic on sale.
Have a great weekend!
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Hi Emily,
I usually don't say stuff like this, but I thought you might care to know. I've had two very different, well educated, kind friends speak to me of the gross mistreatment of employees at Samovar. They have both worked there for years and are in fact seeking legal intervention, along with several other Samovar employees, over Samovar's failure to comply with basic labor rights and laws. The owner is also dishonest about the product he offers customers at very steep prices.
Like I said, I'm not one to speak ill of a company, even if it deserves it. This company, however, is selling an image to customers that is directly opposite of its actual practices. That image is one of social responsibility, peace, and knowledge. And I find it a grave misstep to preach something so noble but refuse to practice it oneself, especially when profit is involved.
I hope you are not offended by my voicing of this concern. I feel quite strongly about the issue, though.
🙂 The outfits you have put together are, however, charming as always. 😉
I just picked up that wallet the other day and I absolutely love it!