To Do: Daisies

To Do: Daisies

By popular demand (thanks Rebecca!), here are some photos from Sunday’s daisy session in the park with Rob. Apologies for the cell phone camera blurriness. There was the daisy crown:

The classic daisy chain (this is Rob’s favorite photo).

And, finally, the daisy mohawk. 

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  1. nik at 5:41 pm

    Hello! I came to your blog, because your profile photo intrigued me. And now I see that not only one photo is cool! So, I'm glad I found you because your blog is awesome! Good job and please keep posting, because you do it great, and I start following and will visit you with pleasure!
    xx nik

  2. Amber at 9:48 pm

    I'm a huge fan of making daisy chains while laying in the park…!