Say hello to Fuji and Payton, my new best friends!This…

Weekend Roundup: Like a Boss
Apologies for dropping off the radar last week. I got a major promotion at work! I’m still getting used to my new VP title, so stay tuned for an in-depth post on that topic soon. (Also, Rob got a new camera and has upped our blogging game!)
On Friday, Rob and I took the old bikes over to Nicole’s to watch the Olympic opening ceremony. Delicious burgers and truffle fries from Roam for dinner. It was so fun to watch the celebration together…even when we passed the five hour mark and were still only at Nicaragua in the procession. Quiet ride back home through the city after.
Up early on Saturday morning to oversee the building’s once a year window-washers. We had a leisurely morning preparing for Jean and Trent’s arrival. They’re moving from North Carolina, where Jean got her PhD, to Palo Alto, where she’ll do her post-doc at Stanford. Her husband Trent also has a new job at Stanford, but no apartment yet so they’re staying with us for a bit. At 1:00, they landed with dogs in tow. We had tea and lemon cake to celebrate their cross-country move.
The fog had burned off late, leaving us with a quite warm July day in the city. The four of us walked down to the neighborhood dog park and then enjoyed our favorite “beer pier” tradition. The dogs loved watching the birds, boats and seals go by.
Swung by the Ferry Building on the way home to pick up two dozen oysters, two loaves of Acme bread and a small wheel of Mt. Tam cheese. Fresh white corn, tomatoes and a green salad got added to the mix at home, while the boys shucked the oysters. Margaret came over to join us for the summer feast.
Lazy morning on Sunday. We had egg tacos before the boys went out for a bike ride. Jean and I drove to Menlo Park to look at a possible apartment near campus. BBQ pork vermicelli, shrimp spring rolls and salty lemonade at a good whole-in-the-wall Vietnamese restaurant we found.
On the way home, Jean and I stopped at Farmer’s Market to stock up on produce. Lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, peaches and tiny nectarines, but the real treasure was giant, ripe blackberries the size of walnuts. The three baskets didn’t last two minutes inside the house. I’m lucky I even managed this photo!
Restful afternoon. We watched a movie, had bruschetta for a snack and walked to TJ Maxx to buy Jean shoes (she somehow packed everything but flip flops and sneakers into storage). We changed at home and went out for a fancy Japanese dinner to celebrate their arrival and my promotion.
Next Post: Recipe: Refrigerator Dill Pickles
Previous Post: Recipe: Bruschetta
Congratulations on your promotion!
Congratulations on the big promotion!
Congratulations to both you and your sister! I'm a longtime reader/lurker and spent five happy years at Stanford, so could definitely share restaurant and market recommendations for the Palo Alto area if you ever need.
Love the puppies. Congrats too.