Let's conclude Beach Week with the house that my family…

Weekends: Happy Birthday Dad!
Continuing our trend of going away every weekend this summer – Rob and I drove down to San Luis Obispo with Jean on Friday night. My brother Joe and sister Kate were also coming to town to celebrate our Dad’s birthday. This guy is pretty persuasive:
We ate a huge breakfast together with bacon from Kate’s farm in Oregon. Walked on the beach at Morro Bay:
And collected so many tiny sand-dollars along the way:
We played lots of Bananagrams and Scattegories in between meals:
Ate a lot of delicious local cherry and apple pie with the birthday boy:
Generally just relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company:
The little guy was a bit more difficult on the drive home – but still super cute:
Next Post: Weekends: Downieville Downhill
Previous Post: Party Recipe: Brazilian(ish) Dinner
Happy Birthday Dad of Emily Family!
Wonderful photos
Thank you for sharing