What a wild weekend! Everything went just perfectly and all…

Welcome to Dubrovnik, Croatia! Exploring the Old City After a Storm
When we first arrived in Dubrovnik it was pouring rain. Rob and I unpacked, did some laundry and watched a few episodes of Game of Thrones while waiting for it to clear. When we walked out at dusk, we had a great view of the near empty city.
The ramparts around the old town were super romantic after the storm.
Dubrovnik is a city of stairs and inside the old city they are particularly steep and narrow.
It looked so cozy inside the lit apartments. Most of the homes inside the city are converted to hotels, but there are a few areas on the west side where there are laundry lines and small farms to indicate locals still really live here.
It’s easy to get lost walking around the streets, which often dead-end. Everything leads back to the main promenade eventually.
Now that the weather has returned to normal and the tourist crowds are back – I’m glad we had a chance to explore the old city in the storm and quiet.
Previous Post: A Panoramic Hike to the Top of Dubrovnik
for some reason, Dubrovnik speaks to me more than any other destination you have photographed so far. Very beautiful. And the sage and rosemary-scented trail? Well, a visit to Croatia now has pride of place on my bucket list! Wishing you continued safe and awesome adventures and, as always, thank you for sharing.
I'm so glad! It is gorgeous here in Dubrovnik – a great place to visit.