Sweet buttery goodness! I love croissants. I know that they…

A 5-Step Impromptu Sailing Picnic Party
The only thing that might be nicer than having your own boat is having a friend with a boat – much less sanding! Last weekend, Rob was in Australia for work and Sarah called to invite me out for a last minute cruise on San Francisco bay with her brother and their friend Todd. He’s a sailing instructor with access to a fleet of ships in Sausalito.
Step 1: Raid the pantry
Thankfully, I had a couple cold bottles of champagne in the fridge, the picnic basket still out from Rob’s birthday celebration and enough odds and ends to make a small spread. We packed a tin of carrots, radishes, celery, broccoli and snap peas with greek yoghurt dip. A box of crackers, a package of salami, a leftover piece of brie and truffle mustard filled the second tin. A package of cheddar bunnies was tossed in. Of course, the very-pirate champagne saber came with us, too.
Step 2: Gear up in your best pirate attire
I put on a nautical outfit of white jeans, light-soled sneakers, various blue tops and sweaters for layering, a windbreaker and a scarf. Sarah and I sampled perfumes while waiting for a ride to Sausalito. Crucial to select just the right spiced rum scent for a day on the open seas.
Step 3: Find your sea legs
We met up with our captain on a 44 foot Sparkman and Stephens sailboat in Sausalito. While Todd finished his lesson, we prepared for a day at sea with (plastic) glasses on champagne punch on the deck.
It was time to cast off before we knew it.
Don’t we look yar?
Step 4: Sail under the bridge
Being a talented sailor, Todd had us out to the mouth of the bay in no time at all. We were heeling sharply to catch the most wind – so fun!
Sabered a bottle of champagne to celebrate passing under the bridge.
Perfect timing with the sun just starting to set out at sea as we paused for the photo opportunity.
Step 5: Snack on the way home
The wind was at our back as we turned toward Sausalito – the perfect time to crack open the picnic and enjoy the smooth running back to harbor. The snacks kept us satiated until we had the boat back in the dock and cleaned off. Everyone came over for big bowls of hearty pasta and garlic bread to warm up at the house after the sail.
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