Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles
To Do: Candles

To Do: Candles

I'll likely change my mind when the spring daffodils arrive, but I'm off fresh flowers for the time being. They just die too quickly for…
Book Report: North River

Book Report: North River

I picked up this novel second-hand for our trip to Pacific Grove and ripped through it pretty quickly.North River is a timely story about Manhattan…
Gift Idea: Baby Shower

Gift Idea: Baby Shower

Pregnant friends seem to be popping up like spring crocuses. It's shower season!This moses basket is $45 from Amazon. Combined with a couple hand-embroidered soft…
Coveted: Office Fireplace

Coveted: Office Fireplace

This may be completely unremarkable, but I don't remember ever seeing photos of the oval office fireplace in use before. I love the idea of…
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