What to Wear: Oral Exam

What to Wear: Oral Exam

I'm so happy that it is fall. Layers are back and I can't wait to unpack my tweeds. Here is Amanda's request:I’m an engineering grad…
Mystery Rash Revealed

Mystery Rash Revealed

Drum roll please...My dermatologist has diagnosed me with a textbook case of Pityriasis Rosea (Good guess Meghann). It's a skin rash in a "Christmas tree"…
Wedding: Centerpieces

Wedding: Centerpieces

I am going to save so much money by doing my own centerpieces for the wedding. Being a rather frugal bride, this makes me incredibly…
Urban Girl Almanac: Itchy

Urban Girl Almanac: Itchy

I hope I haven't made you sympathetically itchy with my tales of rashy-woes this week! My test results have all come back negative thus far.…
Recipe: Baked Salmon

Recipe: Baked Salmon

Natalie over at 100 Percent Cottam is soliciting healthy recipes this week. Here's one of my favorites and what Rob and I had for dinner…
To Do: 30 Rock

To Do: 30 Rock

I am beside myself with anticipation for tonight's 30 Rock premier. Liz Lemon! Jack Donaghy! Kenneth! Tracy! Pete! 8:30!If you haven't yet watched it, go…
What to Wear: Pearls

What to Wear: Pearls

{Still mad itchy. But now with a hangover too! Rob and I went out last night to Danny Coyle's and our favorite Ethiopian restaurant with…
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