Inspired: Jamali Garden

Inspired: Jamali Garden

Thank you Domino Magazine for including a link to Jamali Garden in your latest issue! (remember the bronze urn from the dark flower article?) This…
Recipe: Rustic Tacos

Recipe: Rustic Tacos

Rob and I got home late from work last night, leaving little time or enthusiasm for cooking. So I made a new favorite standby with…
Inspired: Simple Weddings

Inspired: Simple Weddings

The more I've been wedding planning, the more I've been envying those old fashioned simple weddings. Like my parent's wedding in San Francisco, planned in…
Things I love Today: New Shoes

Things I love Today: New Shoes

I've recently begun to hate all my shoes. The high heeled pairs are uncomfortable and the flats are unattractive. Boring...too fancy...worn out...even the pairs that…
To Do: Fresh Mint

To Do: Fresh Mint

It's gorgeous outside today. Sunny and warm all across San Francisco. Me? Trapped inside an air conditioned office. Make that a nearly abandoned office, everyone…
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