Cost Plus World Market is having a sale on kitchen…

Reader Appreciation: Shoe Quiz
Happy Reader Appreciation Day! Here’s your first contest of the day. Can you correctly match these four pairs of flat shoes with the store that sells them?
The first person with the correct answer in the comments section wins a pair of custom embroidered dishtowels. Here are your choices:
- Bloomingdale’s
- Old Navy
- Anthropologie
- Alloy
Post your answers in the comments section now!
Next Post: Reader Appreciation Day Tomorrow!
Previous Post: Reader Appreciation: What to Wear Challenge
What a fun idea! I don’t know about custom embroidered dish towels…may have to sit this one out and let someone else win. A great idea though…especially in the middle of the week.
Thanks for sharing places to find cute flats. My lower back and Chiropractor don’t let me wear heals. I cheat on the weekends.
Not that I have any business knowing this stuff & living in a beach community ~ with all boys but for fun here it goes..
A is Anthropologi(my favorite pair)
B is Alloy
C is Old Navy
D is Bloomingdale’s
Congrats Annonymous! You got them all right. Email me here with your favorite color and your initials for the set of dishtowels.
Annonymous is Rob’s sister Skye. With a house full of four boys, she’ll be needing some extra dishtowels!